The “Raclette” is certainly the most traditional dish in France, it’s served in each region of the country with different particularities. It's called raclette because that is the name of the cheese used for the dish. The raclette is a very famous cheese you can find everywhere, and with different savours. There are many flavors including classic, pepper, and smoked, everyone can find a taste they like.
Usually you eat it in the winter since it is a warm and heavy dish.
The cheese: La Raclette |
Let's examine the process of making a Raclette
the machine |
First, it is absolutely necessary to have an "appareil a raclette" which is the machine used to melt the cheese. It is the most important thing because without that you can't do the traditional Raclette. It’s a machine usually installed in the middle of the table which heats the cheese and everyone can have his or her own dish and can cook as many cheeses and meats as he or she wishes.
Secondly, let’s go back to the ingredients for the Raclette. The cheese which is the central part of the plate, normally you count around 250g per person, less or more. You need potatoes, “charcuterie” which is a mix of cold and smoked meat like bacon, salami, ham.. There are many different kind of charcuterie so the choice of it depends of person's preferences. A salad as well would be welcome to accompany the plate. And for sure a good wine!
Finally you can enjoy your meal , there is no special preparation once you’ve got everything. It is very simple and very good. Everybody helps himself in meat, cheese and patatoes, make warm the cheese in the machine , (it doesn't take more than 3 minutes to be ready ) , and can enjoy the meal with others people around the table making their own meal. This is a very convivial and special french dish.
In Auvergne the particularity is the taste of the cheese which is stronger that in others parts of the country. The charcuterie is very particular there as well, especially the saussisson. But anyway, if it can be different it’s always the more popular meal in France.
the typical french table |
A demonstration of the raclette process: